Albania is still a hidden gem. Here are some reasons to visit.

Albania, also known as Shqiperia or the Land of the Eagles to its citizens, is a Balkan country that borders the Mediterranean. Although not yet a tourism giant like France and Spain, this tiny European country is on the brink of a boom. The world will soon be able to discover its beautiful beaches, modern cities, endless mountain ranges, and bustling urban centres.

It is a great place to visit for those who love Greece and Italy. Albania has many attractions that will appeal to archaeologists and history lovers. You’ll love it if you are a fan of Italy’s cuisine, wine, and coffee culture.

Continue reading if you still need convincing. Albania is more than its parts. Here are a few reasons to visit Albania.

You will get more for your money.

Travelling to Albania with the Euro, the Pound, or the Dollar is possible. You can find rooms in luxurious hotels for as low as EUR50, and you can get a beer at a bar for around EUR2 or less. It is a remarkable value when you consider the number of sights that can be seen in the country.

Friendly, generous locals will be your encounter.

Although they are known for their lively debates and boisterous personalities, the Albanians are very friendly to tourists. They are eager to share their traditions and lands and love it when people visit.

Albanians, like other Balkan countries and Mediterranean countries, are social people. They love talking to shopkeepers and sometimes meeting new people while enjoying a good evening walk. Even if you don’t speak Albanian, smile and wave, and you may just be invited to the table.

There are many spirits to choose from

Albanians love to drink. Alcohol is part of holidays, gatherings, or just a regular night. Albania’s rich history of alcohol production includes a long and rich history of viticulture dating back at least 3,000 years.

Although it may seem surprising that Albania has so many wine regions, the country is a country with similar topography and climate to neighbouring Italy. Italy is a long-standing leader in wine production. Although Albania is known for its standout red wines like Vlosh and Serine, the country also produces white wines.

However, their unofficial national drink, raki, is the real star. These liquors made from fruit are very popular in the Balkans. Albania’s entry is mainly made from plums and grapes. However, other regions use stone fruits, apples, berries or even stones. You can find commercial varieties at bars and grocers. However, be cautious if you decide to make your own. They are often stronger than you think.

One of their favourite tipples is not local but on loan from Italy. Even small bars might have one of the most beloved Fernet Brancas, which is more popular in Albania than where it was made. Although the taste is controversial, it’s a popular after-dinner drink and can be adapted by spending time in Albania.

Its incredible capital is available for you to explore.

Albania’s vibrant capital, Tirana, was once a mysterious country that fell under socialist rule. Today, it is a bustling, lively city, eager to welcome tourists. Tirana is a great European capital for a city break. It has many independent businesses and co-working spaces. There’s also a strong connection between the arts and coffee culture.

Produce stands, and farmer’s market stalls are bursting with fresh, local produce. Buskers can be found in Skanderbeg Square. The Dajti Express funicular can take you up to the top of the highest mountain in the region for a day of fun in the snow. It departs from central Tirana in 15 minutes.

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